The PROMISE Initiative:
PROMoting aI’s Safe usage for Elections

We examine the challenges of credible elections globally in an academic setting providing a platform at top venues (via workshops, magazine special issue and a forthcoming book). 


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The AAAI 2024 Third Workshop on AI for Credible Elections:  A Call To Action with Trusted AI   

Vancouver, Canada; February 26, 2024 (Monday)

About the Workshop

Credible elections are vital to democracy - How can AI help? 

This workshop, collocated with AAAI 2024, will examine the challenges of credible elections globally in an academic setting with apolitical discussion of significant issues. The speakers, panels and reviewed papers will discuss current and best practices, gaps, and AI-based interventions. To ground the discussion, we will use the case studies from three geographies as representatives: US - representing one of the world’s oldest democracies; India - representing the largest democracy; and Estonia - representing a country using digital technologies extensively during elections and as a facet of daily life. 

Artificial intelligence and machine learning have transformed modern society. It also impacts how elections are conducted in democracies, with mixed outcomes. For example, digital marketing campaigns have enabled candidates to connect with voters at scale and communicate remotely during COVID-19, but there remains widespread concern about the spread of election disinformation as the result of AI-enabled bots and aggressive strategies. 

This is the third workshop focused on using AI methods for elections - the first being at Neurips 2021 and second was at AAAI 2023.  The workshop is expected to discuss a broad range of topics in AI, machine learning, cognitive science and security. The intended audience of the workshop are students, academic researchers, professionals involved in technology for election management and informed voters.

Important Dates